Using technology to create real world solutions...
One Step at a Time....
At Trask, we believe in real practical solutions. This often results is dependable systems that gets improved over time. We ensure that the terms of each project ensures its continuity at all times
What We Do
Our job is to integrate your services into the tech ecosystem as pragmatically as possible to ensure maximum returns and security of your assets.
Software Development
Whatever business challenges you face, we design solutions that will counter them and guarantee return on your investment
IT Consulting
Do you need advice on how to use IT to meet your company's needs? Are you considering advertising your business and products online? We have our name stamped on anything IT and we are here to help you out...
App Development
About 90% of your customers will interact with you on their mobile phone! why not cement your presence on their phones with your own app custom built for you?
Who We Are
We are not just a computer and software company, we actually do care about your organization and are ready to key into your processes and support you using tech tools. Our other services are;
Event Extension
We can extend your physical events using any meetings solution (Zoom, Meet, Teams, Webex, etc) so that participants joining in from the web can have a seamless experience that takes advantage of all sound and visual aid systems physically available
Professional Training
Our professional training arm (Tenet Hub) carries out staff and student training for general and specialized cases covering Software Development, Database and Server Management, Web Design and Administration and Mobile App Development
Our Testimonials
As a company that renders services, your most valuable assets are your satisfied clients
Jame Goldon
Kelly Clarkson
John Travolta
Tyler Micheal
Office Location
Office OA8 Khadija Plaza Farm Center, Kano 700234 - Nigeria
Email Address
Phone Number
+2349124813846, +2347061703316